Sale & Promotional Content

As a marketing professional, I understand the importance of creating compelling content to drive sales and promotions. I created a series of content for Xena Workwear that was used across various channels including social media, web, and email. My campaigns were designed to increase brand awareness, drive engagement and ultimately generate sales. From crafting catchy headlines to selecting the right visuals, I ensured that each piece of content was tailored to the specific audience and channel. The result was a cohesive and impactful campaign that exceeded expectations and delivered measurable results


Proov Target Launch

At Proov I played a pivotal role in the launch of Proov products at Target. I actively contributed to the ideation phase, brainstorming compelling messaging that resonated with our target audience. Additionally, I took pride in designing assets that not only aligned with Proov's brand identity but also captivated and engaged Target's diverse customer base. This collaboration was a testament to the power of strategic messaging and design in driving a successful product launch.


B2B Marketing Collateral

I was tasked with creating a flier to promote Xena Workwear’s line of stylish safety boots to various companies for B2B marketing initiatives. I crafted a visually striking and informative flier that effectively conveyed the key features and benefits of Xena's products. The flier was distributed to targeted companies in various industries, resulting in a significant increase in sales for Xena Workwear.